Bodywork + Yoga
in Mount Shasta
Work with Jennifer.
With 20 years of experience working full-time as a bodyworker, Jennifer’s passion for the work only continues to deepen. Her trainings include Shiatsu, Acupressure, Deep Work at Esalen Institute, Prenatal + Infant Massage, and Touch for Special Populations. Her work is often described as intuitive, nurturing and strong. Priding herself on offering both effective and deeply relaxing work, Jennifer brings much of her understanding of the nervous system into her table work. She is certified with the CAMTC, California’s regulating board for Massage Therapy.
A longtime yogi Jennifer has been practicing yoga since she was 18. Jennifer received her 500 hour certificate in Vinyasa + Bhakti with Janet Stone. Additionally, she has trainings in Restorative, Prenatal Vinyasa, Stand Up Paddle Board Yoga, and Trauma informed Yoga. She has specific experience teaching yoga to tween and teenagers in special populations. She loves supporting her students in ‘thinking outside the mat,’ and truly meet the practice where they are in any given moment.

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“Your vision will become clear only when
you can look into your own heart.
Who looks outside, dreams; Who looks inside, awakens.”
- Carl Jung
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