Practices in Presence.

Dancing with healing modalities for a vibrant life.

Sound Healing and Restorative Yoga

Join Annette Barret + Jennifer Heminger for this potent combination of sound healing and restorative yoga

Mark your calendar for Sunday, March 23rd from 3-5pm for this special offering with guest teacher Annette Barret who is bringing her gongs and bowls to partner with Jennifer Heminger, a local restorative yoga instructor to create a magical offering here in Mount Shasta. Limited to 10 participants to ensure that all receive individual sound healings and hands-on-assists, reserve your spot by emailing Jennifer.

register before March 10th $65; $75 after. Shasta Yoga, 111 E. Alma Street, Mount Shasta Sunday, March 23rd, 3 -5:00pm

Custom-crafted oils

are included in

Jennifer’s Bodywork sessions.